Saturday 15 January 2005

Meconopsis florindae


Single locality (Tra La) in SE Tibet from woodland at around 3,500 metres. Effectively a yellow flowered M. lyrata. There is very good image of this plant on page 121 of the Alpine Plants of China edited by Zhang Jingwei (Chang King-wai) published by Gordon and Breach, New York in 1982 isbn 0-677-60190-5. I have always been suspicious of yellow plants in a group that is normally all blue. Crosses between a blue species and a yellow one (in many cases the M. integrifolia/ M. pseudointegrifolia group) are always a pale yellow. The plant illustrated, particularly the seed pod reminds me of M. integrifolia. Crosses of blue species ( like M. betonicifolia and M integrifolia) are fertile. New species can evolve by hybridisation and maybe one day this species can be tested using modern genetical techniques to detect it's hybrid origin.


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