Sunday 2 January 2005

Meconopsis argemontha

Photographer : Anne Chambers


Described by Taylor originally from a part of a plant but subsequently much material was collected by Kingdom Ward and later by Taylor himself with Ludlow and Sherriff in 1938. Two varieties were described by them M.a. lutea – a pale yellow form (Tum La, S.E. Tibet) and M.a.genuina a white form (Bimbi La Tsangpo Drainage S.E.Tibet). Photographs of the flowers ( In Quest of Flowers) show the petals to look frilled and the foliage is lobed.

PHOTO Information : M. argemonantha genuina. The white form of this rare and restricted Meconopsis photographed near the Bimbi La, S.E. Tibet 12,800 ft. by Anne Chambers. This species has been seen by few western travellers and the fimbriate petals are characteristic ( and beautiful ).


Seed was collected by Ludlow And Sherriff but did not germinate.

Map Location

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