Friday, 21 January 2005

Meconopsis henricii - Photos In The Wild

Huanglong Si Pass. Martin Walsh. Huanglong Si Pass. It is suprising how much colour varies between film types and blues are probably the most difficult. Colour is probably the least iimportant taxonomic feature with much natural variation. This species is probably more purple than blue. Hilary and John Birks.
Zhedu Pass Sichuan.4298m.35 cms. high. 2009 John Mitchell. Individual leaf of previous. Undersides of leaf can be an important diagnostic for some species. John Mitchell.
Same site as previous two images. Note both these flowers show the dark area at the base of the flower. In a more extreme form this is characteristic of the very similar and newly described M. sinomaculata from much the same area. John Mitchell. Frontal image of previous. This is clearly a very desirable species with a large well proportioned flower. John Mitchell 2009.