
Saturday, 1 January 2005

Meconopsis aculeata - Photos In The Wild

Leaf lobing can be irregular. This specimen however has a leaf very similar to the East Himalayan M. speciosa.

M. Thorne.

Colour variation. Many garden forms are this colour rather than blue.

Margaret Thorne.

Plant similar to many in cultivation

Margaret Thorne

Seed pods, these will probably not be ripe for 2 to 3 weeks. I suspect much wild seed is gathered unripe

Margaret Thorne.
Rupin, India, 4,000m. Hilary and John Birks. Superb image with location. Balugere, India, 3,620m. Hilary and John Birks.
Rhotang, India,3,950m. colour variation -common in cultivation. Hilary and John Birks. Rhotang, India, 3,950m. Lobed leaf detail. Note that the scented M. speciosa from E. Himalayas and China would look almost identical. Hilary and John Birks.
Rhotang, India, 3,950m. Flowering in grassland. Hilary and John Birks.