Meconopsis Visual Reference Guide. Includes Photos, Taxonomy And Cultivation Information.

Sunday, 20 March 2005
Meconopsis ludlowii
This species was discovered by Ludlow & Sherriff on the Orka La in Bhutan on 10th July 1934 (L& S642), who also recorded it on the Milakatong La four days later and near Lap (L& S728) on 28th July 1934. Seed was collected from both passes in October 1934 (L&S 1080 & 1095). The specimens were identified initially as M. lyrata and then by George Taylor as M. lancifolia var concinna (a rather different Chinese species), and it was called this in ‘A Quest of Flowers’.
The photos were taken by Margaret and David Thorne in Arunachal Pradesh last Summer. Clearly a very lovely dwarf plant with deep blue stamens and what looks like a yellow stigma but maybe the stigma is coloured and it is covered with yellow pollen. This is some ways a mysterious plant and found by earlier European explorers but was first properly recorded by the great team of Ludlow and Sherriff as Meconopsis lyrata on the ORKA LA on 10th June 1934 and also later on the MILAKATONG LA and elsewhere. Seed was collected as Meconopsis lancifolia concinna. It is not this either!
Currently Dr. Grey-Wilson is going to describe it as a new species called Meconopsis ludlowii – a fitting tribute to a great plantsman.
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Saturday, 19 March 2005
Meconopsis zanganensis
From Cuona at 4000 m. in Tibet which is east of Bhutan towards the Indian border. A Chinese described species similar to, but smaller than M. simplicifolia. It is described as perennial with basal leaves and dead petioles from previous years. The leaves are spathulate and smooth. The 4 petalled sky blue flowers with yellow anthers are solitary on the ends of basal scapes. See Quart. Bull. Alpine Garden Soc. Vol 48, 236 – 40 in an article by Stephen Haw (black and white drawing).
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Friday, 18 March 2005
Meconopsis wumungensis - Photos In The Wild
Meconopsis wumungensis
Photographer : Pam Eveleigh
Described by Chinese authorities and only known from Mt. Wumung (80 kms. From Kunming) in Yunnan at 3,600 metres. It is a small plant about 10cms tall with all basal leaves which are smooth with more or less deeply cut lobes. The flowers at 5-6 cms are large for the size of the plant and are borne singly on basal scapes, some plants have 2 or 3 flowers on separate stems. It is described as an annual which seems pretty unlikely as it flowers in June and it is described from a single plant and has not been seen in fruit. See Quart. Bull. Alpine Garden Soc. Vol 48, 236 – 40 in an article by Stephen Haw (black and white drawing). This plant was seen and photographed by a group of western plant hunters in 2009.
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Thursday, 17 March 2005
Meconopsis wilsonii - Photos In The Garden
Meconopsis wilsonii - Photos In The Wild
Meconopsis wilsonii
Originally collected by Wilson in west Sichuan as M. napaulensis and north of Wolong. An evergreen monocarpic species The plant is dainty with well-cut ferny leaves with short squat fruits (this is subsp. wilsonii). A second subsp. australis occurs in NW Yunnan and Burma and was first collected by Forrest. This is similar but with coarser leaves. Curtis Botanical Magazine (2002) 23,176. Professor David Rankin has descibed a new sub species from NE Yunnan.
M. violaceae is clearly very close to M wilsoniicomplex and also to the purple form of M. wallichii and these form a sub group of blue / purple monocarpic evergreens.
The images of M. wilsonii were taken at Glendoick of plants grown by Peter Cox.
David Rankin is publishing an account of the species featured in the images currently shown under wild images of M. wilsonii as M. wilsonii orientalis. I will add the reference as soon as I have obtained it.
This has been grown and successfully flowered near Edinburgh by Professor Rankin and very beautiful it is too. Will probably take 3 years to fower from seed (though the related M. wallichii nearly always takes two years. Probably fairly straight forward in cool northern areas but many of these evergreen monocarpic species of all colours can be grown in hotter and drier areas since they are monocarpic and need to be renewed from seed. Seed stored cool (it will need harvesting later than many Meconopsis since like M. wallichii it is late flowering) and then sown in January and given a little bottom heat after a month. Heat is not essential since they germinate as soon as spring starts to warm up. They need pricking on when two leaves have formed beyond the seed leaves into a rich moist compost and then potting into small plastic pots before planting out preferably by the end of August where the are to flower. They can be over wintered in the pots and planted out mid March when back in growth.
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Wednesday, 16 March 2005
Meconopsis wallichii - Photos In The Garden
Meconopsis wallichi
Another evergreen monocarpic with blue, white or purple coloured flowers. Taylor lumped this into M. napaulensis. This was never sensible since M. wallichii and M. napaulensis are not fertile when crossed. It can be a tall plant 2 metres high when the flower spike is fully elongated. There have been two quite distinct plants in cultivation. 40 years ago there was a plant with duck egg blue or white flowers with large spaces between the flowering scapes and long flowering stems. The leaves were finely divided and presented a delicate fern like appearance. The other plant is much more robust, again with finely divided leaves which look much more solid than the other variety. The whole plan, though large is, much more compact and a good plant can be a solid mass of purple flowers. The colour varies since many are rather a muddy purple but really good rich purples do occur. It is I suppose conceivable that two different species are involved. Ref. Curtis Botanical Magazine (2002) 23,176. The mauve flowered evergreen monocarpic plants in Sichuan and Yunnan were put into M. napaulensis by Taylor. He had put what we now call M. wallichii into M. napaulensis (This is clearly inappropriate since they are sterile when crossed). One can see, given M. wallichii was in with M. napaulensis, why he thought these Chinese mauve coloured evergreen were variations. If you look at the images under M. wilsonii growing in Glendoick gardens it even seems reasonable. It is now clear however that the mauve evergreen species are a separate late flowering group but they need more study particularly with regard to the new plants recently found in NE Yunnan.
Easy from seed and grows quickly to a good sized plant and once grown are fairly distinct (more fern like) in both early seedling growth and as they mature compared to M. napaulensis (Hort) and very many will flower in the second year if well grown. They flower nearly a month after most other monocarpic evergreens.
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Tuesday, 15 March 2005
Meconopsis violacea
Photographer : David Rankin
An evergreen monocarpic related to M. napaulensis or perhaps more appropriately M wallichii with golden hairs. It is distinguished from the rest of the group by the very regular lobing to the leaf throughout the length. It has violet flowers on a tall flowering scape and violet filaments with bright orange stamens. It comes from Northern Burma in a region that may be currently inaccessible but it was described as being sparing over the border in S.E. Tibet. New pictures recently taken in NE Yunnan on the Wu Meng Shan were at first thought to be this species but it has become clear that a new sub species of Meconopsis wilsoni is involved.
March 2010. The latest diagnosis of this set of plants is not M. violaceae (though that is clearly closely related) but another subspecies of M. wilsoni. The suggested name is M. wilsoni spp orientalis and this is being formally published I will leave this images here but cross reference it to the M. wilsonii page.
Note the image to the left is Meconopsis wilsonii orientalis but I shall leave it there to remind us how nice it would be to have the very similar M.violaceae in cultivation again.
This was commonly cultivated before the second world war from a Kingdom-Ward introduction in 1926. It was clearly relatively easy to cultivate and a very desirable plant both in it's neatness and flower colour. Probably flowered mainly in its third year and apparently over-wintered well. It produced a spontaneous hybrid with M. betonicifolia at Glendoick in what it now Tayside, East Scotland that was perennial and named M.x Coxiana after the great Rhododendron enthusiast and proprietor of Glendoick - Euan Cox. It has not been in cultivation for many years, perhaps because it hybridised with other evergreen monocarpics. If seed is obtained it would need standard growing like M. napaulensis (Hort) but if we are to keep any of these closely related monocarpics true, an altruistic soul will have to grow them in isolation and in a small garden that may mean excluding these other species. If by a miracle seed can be obtained it will need growing in strict isolation from any other monocarpic species or it will rapidly be lost again. From the altitude that these plants were found they would probably be as easy to grow as most monocarpic evergreen Mecs (though maybe at least cover some with a glass pane in winter). With a compact highly floriferous flowering spike they are clearly highly desirable if ever Chinese or Burmese seed becomes available.
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Monday, 14 March 2005
Meconopsis venusta
Purple flowered relative of M. horridula, (similar species M. pseudovenusta, impedita, lancifolia) very similar to M. pseudovenusta but has more lobed leaves and long thin seed capsules.
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Sunday, 13 March 2005
Meconopsis torquata - Photos In The Wild
Meconopsis torquata
Photographer : Margaret Thorne
( One of five species in section Discogyne characterised by having a disk above the ovary from which the style and stigma protrude – other 4 species are M. tibetica, M. torquata, M. simikotensis and M. pinnatifolia ). From central Tibet near Lhasa. Monocarpic. Unlobed leaves and narrow racemes of blue flowers with bristles on the outside of the flowers. Good black and white illustration in ‘A Quest of Flowers’ by H.R. Fletcher (Edinburgh Press 1975).
There is a very good, well illustrated, article in the Bulletin of the Alpine Garden Society, Vol. 74, part 2, June 2006 by Chris Grey-Wilson on all five of the species that are in the separate sub genus Discogyne.
Only M. discigera of the Discogyne has been regularly grown and that is not easy. M. torquata was flowered by more than 1 grower many years ago in Scotland and that proved very difficult. Likely to be difficult.
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Saturday, 12 March 2005
Meconopsis tibetica - Photos In The Garden
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